We have a large selection of great quality Shrubs;
For help picking a selection of shrubs for your own garden, or for a gift, just call in and talk to our knowledgeable and friendly outdoor staff!
- Abelia
- Abeliophyllum
- Abution
- Acacia (Mimosa)
- Acanthopanax
- Acer (Japanese maple)
- Amelanchier
- Arbutus (Strawberry tree)
- Aucuba (Spotted laurel)
- Azalea
- Azara
- Berberis
- Buddleja
- Buxus (box)
- Callicarpa
- Callistemon
- Camellia
- Carpenteria
- Caryopteris
- Cassia
- Catalpa
- Ceanothus (Californian lilac)
- Ceratostigma
- Cercis (Judas tree)
- Chaenomeles (Japanese Quince)
- Chimonanthus
- Choisya
- Cistus
- Clerodendrum
- Clethra
- Clianthus
- Convolvulus
- Cordyline
- Cornus (Dogwood)
- Coronilla
- Corylus (Hazel)
- Cotinus (Smokebush)
- Cotoneaster
- Crinodendron
- Cytisus (Broom)
- Danae (Butcher’s Broom)
- Datura
- Daphne
- Deutzia
- Diervilla
- Drimys
- Elaeagnus
- Enkianthus
- Escallionia
- Euonymus
- Eucalyptus (Gum tree)
- Exochorda
- Fatsia
- Forsythia
- Fremontodendron
- Fothergilla
- Fuchsia
- Garrya (Tassel bush)
- Genista
- Gaultheria
- Griselinia
- Hamamelis (Witchhazel)
- Halimiocistus
- Heathers (Erica & calluna)
- Hibiscus
- Hebe
- Helianthemum
- Hydrangea
- Hypericum
- Ilex (Holly)
- Itea
- Kalmia
- Kerria
- Kolkwitzia
- Laurelus Nobilis (Bay)
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Lavatera
- Leucothoe
- Leycesteria
- Ligustrum (Privet)
- Liquidamber
- Lonicera
- Loropetalum
- Leptospermum
- Luma
- Magnolia
- Mahonia
- Myrtus
- Nandina
- Osmanthus
- Oleria
- Pachysandra
- Parrotia (Persian Ironwood)
- Paulownia
- Perovskia
- Pernettya
- Philadelphus (Orange Blossom)
- Phormium (New Zealand Flax)
- Photinia (Red Robin)
- Physocarpus
- Pieris
- Pittosporum
- Potentilla
- Prunus (Laurel)
- Pyracantha (Firehorn)
- Rhamnus
- Rhododendron
- Ribes (Flowering currant)
- Rhus
- Roses
- Rubus
- Salix (Willow)
- Sambucus (Elder)
- Santolina
- Sarcococca (Christmas box)
- Senecio
- Skimmia
- Sophora
- Sorbaria
- Spiraea
- Symphoricarpos
- Syringa (Lilac)
- Tamarix (Tamarisk)
- Taxus (Yew)
- Teuctrium
- Viburnum
- Vinca
- Weigela
- Yucca